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Complete Guide to Methods of Encryption

Complete Guide to Methods of Encryption

In today’s world, where everything gets done online, there is an emerging need to make sure that sensitive information is kept secure. As the backbone of data security, encryption protects personal messages to financial transactions. 

Encryption changes readable information into some coded format that is only accessible to the parties for whom the information is intended. With the rise in cyber threats, it becomes essential for every individual and organization to gain insight into various encryption techniques.

What is the very basic principle behind encryption?

Encryption in very simple terms refers to the process of changing plaintext into ciphertext using an algorithm and a key. This conversion renders the information unreadable for any person who doesn’t have the correct decryption key. The strength of an encryption method lies in its ability to resist unauthorized decryption attempts, even when faced with powerful computing resources.

In all, the history of encryption is very ancient, considering that the first recorded example-the Caesar cipher-used by the ancient Romans. Still, in practice, most of the modern encryption techniques considerably outrun those early simple substitution ciphers by using multi-part mathematical algorithms together with sophisticated cryptographic methods.

How Does Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption Differ?

Symmetric Encryption

In symmetric encryption, or more commonly known as secret key encryption, both encryption and decryption processes are executed with one and the same key. It’s pretty fast and efficient, which is why it can serve for an encrypted volume of data. Common symmetric encryption algorithms are AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard), and Blowfish.

The major problem with symmetric encryption is the secure exchange of the encryption key between the parties. If an unauthorized entity intercepts the key during transmission, then the security of the entire system is compromised.

Asymmetric Encryption

It, therefore, employs asymmetric encryption, more correctly known as public key cryptography, which deals in pairs of keys-asymmetric keys-one of which is used to decrypt. The public key can be freely shared, but a private key is close to the owner’s chest. There is, henceforth, no need to go through all those cumbersome and error-prone steps for secure key exchange, at least in communication over untrusted networks.

The most commonly deployed asymmetric encryption algorithms include RSA and ECC. Even though asymmetric encryption offers greater functionality in terms of security and key management, it is generally much slower than symmetric encryption and requires a great deal of computational resources.

What are the most common encryption algorithms?

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

AES is a symmetric block cipher that has become the de facto standard of encrypting sensitive data. It supports three different key sizes: 128, 192, and 256 bits, each providing a different level of security. Because of this, AES finds a broad range of applications, from secure file storage to encrypted communications.

RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)

RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm and forms the basis of many secure protocols. It uses the mathematical properties of large prime numbers to realize a practical system of encryption. RSA finds applications in secure key exchange, digital signatures, and encryption of small data.


Blowfish is a fast symmetric block cipher of variable key lengths ranging from 32 to 448 bits. It has the desirable property of making it very flexible to be used at different security levels. Blowfish has found extensive usage in applications that have to deal with password-hashing and file-encryption processes.


Twofish is a symmetric block cipher that was one of the finalists in the selection process behind AES. It assures very strong security with flexibility, using key sizes up to 256 bits. Twofish is used in many security applications, such as full-disk encryption and secure file transfer protocols.

How does end-to-end encryption protect communications?

E2EE is a communication system where only the communicating parties can read the messages. It prevents potential eavesdroppers-such as telecom providers, internet service providers, and even the communication service provider itself-from accessing the cryptographic keys needed to decrypt the conversation.

In E2E encryption, information is encrypted at the sender device and decrypted only at the recipient’s device. Any information will, therefore, remain private throughout its entire journey across the network. E2EE systems feature a number of applications, such as WhatsApp and Signal, among others, that keep user communications private.

Where the strength of E2EE lies in maintaining privacy against compromised service providers’ servers, that turns out to be their Achilles’ heel for law enforcement agencies needing to intercept communications for investigative purposes.

At which point does encryption come into consideration in a blockchain?

Encryption is used extensively with blockchain technology to ensure the security and integrity of distributed ledger systems. Blockchain architectures fundamentally include cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

Blockchain hash functions map infinite input data to a fixed-size output known as a hash. These are unique identifiers of blocks and transactions in blockchain that guarantee data integrity, hence creating chaining. The irreversibility of cryptographic hash functions contributes to making the blockchain records immutable.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures in blockchain make use of asymmetric encryption to verify the authenticity of transactions. Each user has a private key to sign transactions and a corresponding public key that others can use to verify the signature. This system ensures that only the rightful owner of a cryptocurrency wallet can initiate transactions.

How does quantum encryption promise to revolutionize data security?

Quantum encryption, also known as quantum key distribution, uses the tenets of quantum mechanics to devise a theoretically unbreakable encryption system. Where classical encryption would rely on mathematical complexity for security, quantum encryption depends on the laws of physics.

In QKD systems, the encryption keys are sent using quantum states of particles, such as photons. The very act of interception or measurement of these quantum states would necessarily change them, thus indicating to the communicating parties the presence of an eavesdropper.

While quantum encryption is a very promising area, it also faces serious technical difficulties in real-life applications. Currently, all QKD systems have limited range and require special hardware, which makes their widespread use difficult. However, continuous research and development in this field may provide more accessible quantum encryption solutions in the future.

Secure Your Future with Robust Encryption

As we move increasingly into the digital world, the role of encryption in protecting our personal and professional lives cannot be told enough times. From sensitive communications to financial transactions, encryption is a critical defense against cyber threats and unauthorized access to our valuable data.

Through these, individuals and organizations are allowed to make informed choices about the kind of robust security that should be instituted. From corporate leaders trying to safeguard the intellectual property of their company to simple persons trying to guard private data online, adopting good encryption habits becomes extremely important.

At Cloudavize, we pride ourselves on being your strategic partner in helping our clients wade through the complex world of information security and encryption. Contact us now and find ways of leveraging encryption to secure your digital future.


Cody Sukosky


Cody is the Founder, Owner, and Lead IT Consultant at Cloudavize. Over the years, Cody has helped hundreds of small and midsize companies improve their IT. He is a constant learner and has obtained twelve IT certifications from partners including Microsoft, Cisco, AWS, and CompTIA. Cody's dedication to excellence and his extensive experience makes him a key leader in the IT industry.

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